SYO Audition
Information & Signup

Full Orchestra, Ages 14-24

Key Details

About the Process

Prospective members of the SYO senior ensemble should be serious students of their instruments with several years experience. They should have already developed good technique and facility and be able to play with good tone and intonation.

Player candidates will be provided with audition music specific to their instrument and may be asked to play other material to demonstrate proficiency. Only the candidate and the music director will be in the room during the audition.

Auditions are not meant to be stressful, meerly a way of evaluating a player’s ability to handle the repertoire and to assign seating positions. And perfection is NOT required! We like to have fun, enjoy playing together and developing our musicianship.

String players who have not yet achieved the minimum level for the senior ensemble should consider auditioning for the Saskatoon Strings. It is a great group, with a wonderful music director, who can help get you ready for your next step.

The Saskatoon Youth Orchestra and Saskatoon Strings are high-calibre music programs. Our players are expected to learn their music prior to rehearsal and attend all rehearsals and performances.

In addition they are expected to:

  • practice on a regular and continuing basis
  • take weekly private lessons, working on repertoire with your tutor as needed
  • participate in all scheduled events
  • arrive at least 15 minutes prior to rehearsal
  • have a well-maintained instrument capable of being played with good tone and intonation
  • participate in their school music program
  • conform to the concert dress policy
  • represent the SYO Inc. in a creditable manner

Get Started

Here's how it works.


Fill out the registration form

Fill out the registration form to let us know you're interested in auditioning, and to provide us with some key information about yourself.


Book your audition time

Book your audition time using our online audition scheduling tool.


Download the required music

Download the required music for your instrument and practice, practice, practice.


Registration Form

Let us know you're interested


Book your audition time

Click or tap the "Book Audition Time" button to go to our audition booking singup tool and book an available time that works for you.


Download the required audition music

Time to practice. Select your instrument from below and click the card to download your sheet music. 

Frequently Asked Questions